For All Girls: A Girl Scouts Guide to Organizational Inclusion and Belonging, Girl Scouts of the USA. Action guide focused on the organizational competencies that drive and enable diversity, equity, inclusion, and racial justice.

"A Physician’s Duty to Resist Government Interference," Friedman Transgender Program, Op-Ed, POZ Magazine

"A New Procedure Could Expand Reproductive Choices," Friedman Transgender Program, Letter to the Editor, New York Times.

"The Rise in Young People Identifying as L.G.B.T.Q." Friedman Transgender Program, Letter to the Editor, New York Times.

Philanthropy & Social Sector Leadership at a Time of Crisis, Philanthropy New York News.


The Impact of Philanthropy, Instructor, LearnPhilanthropy online course: Johnson Center for Philanthropy,Grand Valley State University.

(Contributor) The Philanthropy Framework, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.

Cultivating Communities of Hope: A Collective Vision for Strengthening Staten Island, The Staten Island Foundation Biennial Report.

​​​​Foundation Frameworks for Private Foundations: A New Model for Impact, Leadership Series Report, GrantCraft | Foundation Center.  Named one of GrantCraft’s “Five Favorite Publications of the Year."


Legacy Foundations and Risk-Taking: Different Approaches to Empowered Philanthropy, Philanthropy New York News

Named a "Weekend Read" by the Jewish Funders Network.


Advancing Diversity and Inclusion By Design: A Guide for Building Vibrant Junior Leagues, a comprehensive organizational action guide to centering diversity and inclusion in and across this network of 400 nonprofit organizations, with 150,000+ civic and community leaders in four countries, Association of Junior Leagues International. 


​​20th Anniversary Report: Strengthening a Culture of Collaboration, The Staten Island Foundation.


Leadership for Results: Results Based Leadership Invitational, report on Workshop convened by The Staten Island Foundation in partnership with The Annie E. Casey Foundation.

Designer and presenter, “Diversity & Inclusion: Is Your Organization Ready?” Workshop for Junior League Presidents and Presidents-Elect, Annual Conference of the Association of Junior Leagues International.

​​Making Connections for Community Change, Report for The Staten Island Foundation.

Webinar designer and host, “Understanding and Navigating Shifting Trends in Grantmaking Practice” A Conversation with Kathleen Enright, President and CEO of Grantmakers for Effective Organizations and the National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers.

Session designer and moderator, “Meet the Grantmakers: Cracking the Code of Family Foundations,” with: Jarrett Lucas, Executive Director, Stonewall Community Foundation; Tuhina De O’Connor, Director of Donor Services, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors; and Hana Sun, Program Officer, Cricket Island Foundation. Association of Fundraising Professionals, NYC Chapter.

Redefining Disaster Preparedness and Resilience,” lead author, with Brian Byrd and Betsy Dubovsky, Stanford Social Innovation Review.  A top Twitter article of the week.


Expert Q & A:  Strategic, Emergent or (fill in the blank) Philanthropy: What's the right approach?


"Charting New Terrain with Foundation Maps," Foundation Center PhilanTopic blog.  A Foundation Center "Most Popular PhilanTopic Post."


"Funding Nonprofits as Enterprises: Making it Tangible."  Webinar host and organizer, F.B. Heron Foundation and National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers.


Issue Brief: Top Learning Frameworks for Grantmakers, LearnPhilanthropy.  A "Favorite Resource" at


"Unique Challenges of Strategy for Foundations," Webinar host and organizer.  Center for Effective Philanthropy and National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers.


Impact of Hurricane Sandy on Staten Island Nonprofits: A Town Hall Event, Report for The Staten Island Foundation.


Interview, “LearnPhilanthropy: Q & A with Dara Major,” Center for High Impact Philanthropy, University of Pennsylvania.

Bridging Learners and Content to Create New Value at LearnPhilanthropy, Report for the Council on Foundations and Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers.

“Perspectives on Grantmaker Learning,” Blog series for LearnPhilanthropy.


Panelist, "Outstanding Board Leadership: A Conversation with the Winners of the Brooke Mahoney Award."  Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management / VCG Governance Matters, School of Public Affairs, Baruch College City University of New York.


Engaging Community and Local Philanthropy: Recommendations for the Federal Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force, Report for The Staten Island Foundation, Brooklyn Community Foundation and Long Island Community Foundation.


“Benchmarking Evaluation in Foundations,” Webinar host and organizer, Evaluation Roundtable and National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers.

“Big Disasters Meet Big Data: Philanthropy, Disasters and Innovative Collective Capacity,” Presenter, Independent Sector Annual Conference.

Reframing the Conversation: A Briefing Paper Series on Growing Social Impact.  Series of eight original publications for Grantmakers for Effective Organizations.  Named a "Must Read" by the National Network of Network Funders.

Topic 1: What Do We Mean by Scale?
Topic 2: How Do Networks Support Scale?
Topic 3: How Do We Approach Impact and Evaluation in the Context of Scale?
Topic 4: How Does Financial Sustainability
 Relate to Growth — and What Can Grantmakers Do to Support It?
Topic 5: How Can Grantmakers Support Readiness to Scale Impact?
Topic 6: How Can Grantmakers Aggregate Resources
 to Grow Impact?
Topic 7: Expanding the Impact of Grantees: How Do We Build the Capacity of Nonprofits to Evaluate, Learn and Improve?
Topic 8: How Can Grantmakers Focus on Nonprofit Talent to Grow Impact?


Panelist, Webinar "What Do We Mean by Scale?" Scaling What Works, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations.


Respondent, Initiative for Nonprofit Talent and Leadership Town Hall, Independent Sector.


“Performance: Effectiveness, Accountability and the Politics of Data,” Guest Lecture, Policy Seminar, Duke University.


Private Foundations and Public Policy: Critical Issues in Contemporary American Philanthropy, Syllabus for semester-long graduate seminar, Duke University, Terry Sanford School of Public Policy. Inaugural course, subsequently offered annually as "Philanthropy: The Powers of Money."


"Accountability, Effectiveness and Organizational Change: Success Measures at the Surdna Foundation," Concinnity.

“Generative Planning: Values, Goals and Family Philanthropy,” Guest Lecture, MPA Seminar, Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs.


Advancing Philanthropic Practice: Landscape, Current Reality, and Opportunities for the Future. Duke University, Center for Strategic Philanthropy and Civil Society, Sanford Institute of Public Policy.


The Rockefeller Foundation  Award for Extraordinary Team Achievement.


Philanthropy AND SOCIAL SECTOR Consulting





Dara Major  © all rights reserved except where otherwise indicated